The 74th United Sacred Harp Musical Association

Ider, Alabama, Sept. 10–11, 1977

This page is part of the online exhibition, The United Sacred Harp Musical Association.

The United Sacred Harp Musical Association met in Ider, Alabama, at Antioch Baptist Church, on September 10–11, 1977. A recording in the collection of the Sacred Harp Museum documents part of the singing on Saturday. Reflecting the United Convention’s role in gathering singers from different communities, this recording includes up-tempo fuging tunes led by West Alabama singers alongside stately hymns in a distinctly Sand Mountain style. In addition, it is worth noting the attendance of then-new singers from Atlanta associated with Kelly Morris’s Seed and Feed Marching Abominables, a politically engaged brass band. The first new singing in Atlanta, the Seed and Feed Singing, had only been established the year prior.

“425 - Bob Denson” United 1977 Sacred Harp
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