The Sacred Harp Museum hosts a yearly resident intern as part of a sustained effort to catalog, digitize, conserve, build, and improve access to the museum’s unparalleled collection of Sacred Harp and shape-note music recordings, manuscript music, songbooks, correspondence, photographs, and ephemera. We are presently accepting applications for our 2019 intern.

Erin Fulton, of Amy, KS, will focus on cataloging and writing archival finding aids as the Sacred Harp Museum’s 2018 intern.
Erin Fulton, from Amy, KS, served as the Sacred Harp Museum’s 2018 resident intern, continuing to catalog the museum’s extensive collection, developing a plan for the museum collection’s organization, and creating training materials for future interns. Erin is a doctoral candidate in musicology at the University of Kentucky where her research focuses on nineteenth-century American sacred music. While at Kentucky, Erin has worked at the university’s Special Collections Library as a senior technician in cataloging and a technical processor. We are extraordinarily lucky to have such an experienced and knowledgeable intern helping to preserve and make accessible the museum’s unique collection.
The museum welcomed its first resident intern, Pennsylvania Sacred Harp singer Sasha Hsuczyk, in 2016. Nancy Novotny, from Portland, OR, and Andy Ditzler, from Atlanta, GA, served as 2017 interns, cataloging the museum’s extensive collection, organizing and preserving our most fragile and significant archival papers, and developing a plan to collect and preserve the digital photographs and audio and video recordings singers are creating to document singings today.
The Sacred Harp Museum Internship Program is possible thanks to the generous donations of members of the Sacred Harp community. We offer each year’s intern a modest stipend to cover travel and provide money toward daily expenses during the month-long residency at the Museum. If you’re interested in helping us to make this program possible we invite you to contribute. Donations to the Sacred Harp Publishing Company (a 501(c)(3) non-profit) are tax deductible. All funds raised will go toward the yearly intern’s stipend or other expenses relating to the internship program or toward preserving the Museum’s collection. You can contribute online through the donation button below, or by mailing a check made out to “Sacred Harp Publishing Company” to:
Sacred Harp Publishing Company
c/o Jesse P. Karlsberg
801 Crockett Court
Decatur, GA 30033
Read about our first intern’s experience in “Preserving Sacred Harp’s Past for the Future: Interning at the Sacred Harp Museum.” Learn more about the Museum’s collection, history, and mission on the Sacred Harp Publishing Company website.
Donate to the Sacred Harp Museum Internship Program
Please don’t hesitate to contact Sacred Harp Museum curator Nathan Rees with any questions.